Wednesday, July 18, 2007


I've been at staging for a few days, which has gone really well. The people here are incredible. It's wonderful to be around a huge group of people who all have similar ideals, goals and worried parents. There are over 80 volunteers going to Mali with me tomorrow, as well as another 30 or 40 in our hotel who are going to Benin. From what I understand, we'll all be on the same plane to Paris tomorrow evening...should be fun.

Staging is crazy. Yesterday was mainly introductions, getting to know everyone and reminders of all kinds of crap we already knew. This morning we were up at 6:30 for shots and our first malaria pills, and this afternoon is full of seminars of safety, Peace Corps protocols and whatnot. We have more staging events tomorrow morning before leaving for the airport at 1.

Anyways, I thought I'd just let everyone know I'm doing well and having a fantastic time. Send letters!


Dad said...

Hey Jamoo - Glad to hear you're doing well. I figured you were since you haven't returned my call yet! Love you. Glad your are having a good time and making new friends. Be safe.

Anonymous said...

I've decided that I can't quite cope with you being in a relatively unhooked-up country, because I've developed this unfortunate habit of checking your blog pretty much hourly. It wouldn't be so bad if you just UPDATED several times a day... or at least had your stateside cellphone so I could send you amusing text messages and not-so-amusing (but lengthy) voice mails... but as it is I've been reduced to talking to the cats. A lot. I hope you're happy, evil globetrotter!