- PCT - Peace Corps Trainee
- PCV - Peace Corps Volunteer
- LCF - Language Cultural Facilitator; responsible for teaching us the language and helping to integrade during training (mine is Oscar Coulibaly)
- CD - Country Director (Kateri Clement)
- PCMO - Peace Corps Medical Officer (Aissata and Andrea)
- NGO - Non-government organization, non-profit we work with
- CSCOM - A health center, I don't know what the letters actually stand for
- COS - Completion of Service; the date I officially finish as a volunteer
- ET - Early termination; leaving early for any reason
- WAIT - West African Internation Time; meaning late
- TIA - This is Africa; used by volunteers in shock
- WAWA - West Africa Wins Again
Random Terms:
- Homologue - Malian work counterpart; the person I’ll be working with for two years
- Tubob - Any white person
- Dja Tigi - Host family; in my case the people I eat, but do not live, with
- Dugu Tigi- Chief of the village
- Stage house - The common house for PCVs in the San area
- Bruce - A location in the sticks, away from any big town
- Nyegen - Malian bathroom; a walled hole in the ground, usually with no roof
- Bush Taxi - Green "buses" (for lack of a better term) that cram more people, chickens, goats and luggage than you'd ever think possible
more pictures!!
More Bambara!
Thank you. Keep up with all this good information you are feeding us.
more money (wait, did I say that out loud?) Love the pictures, love you!
Thanks for the added pictures. I love them - it's my only way to see where you are and what you're doing. BEAUTIFUL!! Love you!!
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