Friday, September 21, 2007

Swear In

We officially swore in as volunteers this morning. The ceremony felt a lot like college graduation with Malian clothes. It took place at the American embassy. Speeches were made by representatives of the Peace Corps and the Malian government, the American Ambassador, and several volunteers (in each of the five languages being learned). Like every employee of the United States government, we stood up and took the oath. The ceremony was followed by lunch at the Ambassador's home (which was absolutely delicious), and hundreds of pictures....some of which are up of flickr. Now we're hanging out here for a few hours before heading to Bamako to celebrate for the night.

It feels fantastic to finally be an official volunteer. No longer a PCT, we've made it past the first hurdle. I hope the next two years are all I hope them to be.


Anonymous said...

I like your swear-in clothes, even though you had to be sewn into them.

Billie said...

What a wonderful day. Glad I didn't have to wear the "neck apparel" as in some of the pictures. You look GREAT and BEAUTIFUL. Sorry, my mail is delayed and won't go out until probably next Monday. I love you bunches. Have a great week-end and enjoy your accomplishments.