Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Daily Grind

Finally healthy! I can’t begin to explain the difference being healthy makes every day. Everything seems so much more manageable. Although, I'm still in desparate need of a day off. I left a month ago, and we literally do not get any time off. Sleeping as late as 7 is fantastic.

I started eating with my family again yesterday, for the first time since coming back from Tubaniso. I was super excited; even more so when I saw there were some new foods. For the past three weeks at homestay, 9 out of 10 meals has been riz avec sauce d’arachide (rice with peanut sauce). Last night was had some spicy sauce that was really good. No idea what it was; when it’s dark out you can’t see the food. Today we had my favorite fried rice that actually tastes like Spanish rice, with a side of ….pasta. That’s right, rice with a side of mushy, nasty pasta. I’m not so excited with new foods anymore.

We went to our first Malian wedding the other day, which was quite an experience. It starts with cramming about 50 people in a tiny little room in the mayor’s office. The bride, groom and their representatives sit in the front, with us Tubobs behind them. Everyone crowded around, pressing in on us. Basically it like a civil service, and then everyone heads back to the groom’s house for a big party. Lots of singing, dancing, and bright clothing. It was strange to be treated like honored guests at a wedding for people we’d never met. Kind of uncomfortable, but I guess we’d better get used to it.


Billie said...

Hi Jamie!! So glad to hear that you are healthy again. Sounds like you're having lots of fun - even though you're working hard. The rewards will be amazing. I pray for you every day. I'm so excited for you. I love you. . .Billie

Anonymous said...

Any chance that the riz avec sauce d'arachide tastes like sticky rice with Thai House peanut sauce? Because that would be great.