Sunday, September 16, 2007

The End of Homestay...Finally

So homestay is finally over…and I couldn’t be more pleased. It has been a very trying past few months, and my host family has not made it any easier. This last week was especially challenging as my host father beat one of his wives on several occasions. I’d never seen a man strike a woman before, let alone to this extent. It was insanely difficult not to get involved (as is Peace Corps policy for our own safety). At the same time, I couldn’t act like it didn’t happen. I’m glad to be out of that house.

Now we’ll train for a few weeks here in Tubani So. I’m not really sure what all we’ll be learning, besides logistics for our first few months at site. My LCF, Oscar, said he’d give me as many Bambara lessons as we can fit it. I’ll miss him at site; he’s been fantastic and as helpful as possible over the past two months.

We swear in as official volunteers on Friday! I’m very excited. We had our first chance to pass the language requirement a few days ago. I was thrilled to pass the first time, as the pressure is now completely off and I can focus on Bambara. Learning two languages at once is not easy. It also guarantees that I’ll be able to swear in, as well.


Chester2 said...

We're really proud of you. Wish we could be at your swearing in ceremony. Take pictures!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on making it to the swearing in! I second mom and dad's request that you take pictures of it if at all possible! Hm... maybe it's time to send you a PCT Graduation present.

nmg said...

Love the pictures. Where are you staying in Bamako?

Billie said...

Congratulations!!! Hopefully the worst is behind you and the best is yet to come. Keep up the good work. Love to you. . .